Well.... I haven't sent out a Glynn family update in a long time and thought today might be a nice time to do it--I'm a very proud mama with two amazing kids to blame! I'd like to take this time to bragg! Humor me? It's has been a crazy year full of changes, successes and major stressors!
We are keeping our cool, but it hasn't been easy! Maverick Mailing is doing well beyond our expectations but it's still a 2-(wo)man operation with the occasional help of the boys--if we offer to pay them enough! We hope to keep the business growing despite hard economic times and we hope we don't fall over dead at 3 in the morning stuffing envelopes!
Gymnastics has been fabulous this year! The boys began training at the local gym with no more commuting to Morgan Hill. We had no idea when we made this decision that they'd be blessed with an amazing coach! Coach Breeze (who we might lose at the end of the season) was one of those people in life you hope teaches your kids! He's energetic, positive, kind, and a total expert in the sport. He has been training the boys hard but they are having a lot of fun. Max went "optional" this year, meaning he is now a high-level gymnast training very tough skills. He has learned a great deal of tough skills and continues to work his butt off. He is developing muscles where I didn't know they existed! Earlier in the year he went to his first National competition at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs and he just finished his State Competitions qualifying for Regionals held next month in Arizona. He has developed a very strong work ethic and is becoming an amazing athlete. Everett trained level 5 compulsory this year--and had an amazing season of success! His pommel and h-bar routines continued throughout the year to earn him many 1st place titles and put him in the top 5 at every meet. To wrap it up, he just competed at State Championships and not only did he make Regionals held next month in Arizona, he.... drum roll, please.... MADE THE STATE ALL-STAR TEAM! Huge success beyond our wildest dreams! wait.... does this mean I have to purchase ANOTHER uniform? Yes, it does....
Beside the hectic world of gymnastics, the boys are doing great is so many other areas of their lives! We are just so proud of them! They keep us busy--sometimes too busy, but it's all part of the method, right? It seems like there is always a meet, a performance, a recital, a field trip, a math lesson .... you get the picture! We have felt a little disconnected with many of you and we send our deepest apologies. We have forgotten too many birthdays, special occasions, etc. Hopefully we will get the hang of home business down so we can concentrate on the finer things in life--like family! Thank you for listening! And we hope to hear back-- we wanna hear what you have been up to and hope you are all well!
Love, Shawna