Today we bid farewell to Kira's car. We decided to sell the car as she is now in Santa Barbara and really not in need of a car. No where to park them and besides, everyone rides a bike.
I posted the car details on Craigslist at 9:30 Saturday morning. Within 15 minutes e-mails were piling up. I talked to the first person to respond and he came directly from Walnut Creek to look at the car. His wife's car had just broken down and they were looking to replace it. They were in the market for a Honda Civic, but the ad for the Accord caught their eye.
Five minutes of discussions and a 5 minute test drive later, they wanted the car. They pulled out one huge pile of cash and asked if the price was negotiable. A minute later we agreed to a $300 discount and we were done.
Things happened so fast I didn't have time to think a couple of issues through.
California requires all cars sold to have a smog (emissions) test completed within 90 days prior to a sale. The new owner agreed to follow me down to the smog testing place and while the 10 minute smog test was being completed, we filled out the paperwork for the sale on the hood of his car.
At the end I gave him the car key and the two fobs I had. One didn't work and I assumed the battery was dead. I also gave him the valet key, but it didn't work, so I took it back. I told him if I found the extra keys that I would call him and arrange to get them to him.
We parted ways and all was well....until I talked to Kira, frantically looking for the valet key and the fob that was on the counter. I had taken the keys to Kirk's car. Oops!
A quick search of the house turned up a couple extra keys. I called the person back, we met, I gave him the two sets of keys I had and he gave me back the fob. All's well in the Glynn house, and Kirk has keys to his car!