Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Parker Makes the Santa "Nice" List!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Human Body

BODY WORLDS Vital World Premiere!
Now Open for a Limited EngagementBODY WORLDS Vital, in its first-ever showing, celebrates the potential of the human body and the body in motion. Featuring authentic human bodies, the exhibition shows the body in health, distress and disease. These detailed anatomical studies, compositions, and representations allow visitors a penetrating gaze at what lies beneath the skin.
Physician and anatomist Gunther von Hagens' BODY WORLDS exhibitions are the original, precedent-setting public anatomical exhibitions of real human bodies, and the only anatomical exhibits that use donated bodies, willed by donors, for the express purpose of serving BODY WORLDS' mission to educate the public about health and anatomy. The bodies are preserved through a remarkable process called Plastination enabling visitors to learn what lies beneath the skin.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Puppy Cuddling

As a breeder, with each new litter of puppies, comes the need for some puppy cuddlers to help socialize them. We love to volunteer on such occasions, and when we heard more puppies were on the way, we booked our calendar.
We all had fun, including Tundra, who was super happy to meet old friends. Luckily all the puppies were spoken for, or we may have ended up with a bunch of brothers and sisters for Tundra!
Hopefully we can make it up one more time before they all head off to their permanent homes. If it was up to Conner and Parker, we'd make the two hour drive everyday!
Parker in Prayer
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Kira's Car Accident
She was heading back to Danville from UCSB for the Thanksgiving holiday along Highway 101 near Atascadero, which is close to San Luis Obisbo when cars in front of her all stopped suddenly. Kira managed to stop in time, but the car beside her was attempting to merge at the time and ended up hitting the side of Kira's car. The car behind the other driver then slammed gently into that car.
The three cars all pulled over and the police were called. The driver that hit Kira admitted fault to everyone, including the police and insurance company. Everyone traded information. Kira's car had damage to both wheel areas and had to be towed. The police arranged for the service and Kira and the car were sent to a local, insurance approved, repair shop. The shop was very friendly and after filling out paperwork, they drove Kira to the local Starbucks and bought her a drink and cookie.
We headed out for drive to get her. The boys were super excited to see her again, so they watched a couple of movies to pass the time. By the time we got there, she was half way through a term paper due the following week.
Just as we were pulling in, the lady who hit her called and asked if we had arrived yet, and if we were still not close, she offered to take Kira out for dinner. A very nice offer indeed!
We stopped at McDonalds for a quick bite and then headed back home. We arrived just passed 11:00 and everyone but Kira headed to bed.
The next morning the other drivers insurance company called to let us know that they would be taking care of everything and that repairs would be started immediately. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but the total bill will be around $7,500 for a new front bumper, two new doors, a couple of side panels and a whole bunch of labor. It will probably take a few weeks, but so far, so good.
To get back to school, Kira booked an airline flight and Oscar agreed to pick her up and get her back to Santa Barbara.
After all is said and done, it ended very well and now, it's just a great story.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Parker Visits the Pumpkin Patch
Friday, October 8, 2010
Tom's Hip Fracture Update
The first visit confirmed that the surgery went well, all the screws were in place and that I was all set to start healing.
The second visit was to determine how the healing was progressing about three months after the bike accident. I was definitely a little nervous, wondering if I had pushed a little too hard at times, and was hoping the swimming and biking I was doing was not interfering with my healing progress.
I over did it twice for sure, once attempting some upper body workout and doing 20 some pushups. There are core and hip muscles used for sure as I now know. I hurt for hours and hours after that. Episode two of over doing it, was the Kira move back to Santa Barbara for the fall term. How is it possible to rent an apartment on the third floor and not have elevators? Also, where were all the strong college guys? Dianne and I carried a whole lot of heavy stuff up all those floors. Hopefully she signs a three year lease! Yes, I hurt for days after that. I'm too old :)
With these thoughts in mind, I waited for the doctor after my x-rays were done.
Luckily, no issues with healing and I sighed a huge sigh of relief. Hips looked good and I was now free to start planning to run again. Not yet, mind you, I need to work up to it. The doctor's advice; if it hurts, stop, if it hurts hours later, tone it down next time. I can live with that advice!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Back to School 2010

It's hard to believe that Conner is now on to grade 3, but even harder to believe that Parker has finally made kindergarten. Last week Parker said goodbye to his preschool with a big basket of home made cookies (thanks Kira!). Just another day for Parker.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Proud moment for Maverick Mailing in the Santa Cruz Sentinel
Santa Cruz man takes finding lost pets to heart and the bank
SANTA CRUZ -- A Santa Cruz man is working to help owners find their lost pets, both locally and across the country.
Whether it's a dog who escaped a pet-sitter in Las Vegas, a cat roaming the countryside somewhere in North Carolina or a missing animal here in Santa Cruz County, Peter Glynn has carved out a specialized niche in the direct-mail industry.
Glynn founded in 2007, after working for two decades in the direct mailing business for another local company. Too often, Glynn said, a distraught customer would phone his then-manager and express disappointment that missing-pet announcements took at least a week to design, produce and mail. A week, when it comes to tracking down a pet, Glynn said, is too long. So Glynn set up his home business, based on a one-day turnaround.
"I knew there was a better way to do this," Glynn said. "I thought I would try it in my own time and my own way."
While it's a labor of love for Glynn -- he said he makes just enough money with Lost Pet Cards to pay for printing, equipment and work expenses -- he takes satisfaction in his business's ability to move quickly and, often, produce tangible results in days, if not hours.
"When the customer is on the phone, we'll pull up a digital map, and we take a look at their neighborhood, together," he said. "Within the hour, customers have received a digital map of the mailing. In two hours, we've gotten
To date, has sent more than 350 lost pet orders to more than 30 states and 300 cities, according to Glynn, taking the form of about a half-million postcards.
Shawna Glynn, who helps with the bookkeeping in addition to home-schooling their two sons, ages 10 and 13, said that when a lost-pet announcement arrives, the entire family gathers around the computer. The boys are invested in the business too, often helping with production, which has taught them job responsibility, she said.
"Throughout the process, we all feel like we get to know the lost animal and it's so fantastic when it's a success story," she said. "And we've had situations where it wasn't a happy ending, but at least the owner has had some closure. We do everything we can to get that mailing out immediately. Time is crucial when you're looking for your pet."
Peter Glynn still remembers his first customers, a Las Vegas family who'd gone on vacation only to find out that the pet-sitter had lost their dog. After the mailing, the dog was discovered, safe, by neighbors within a day, he said.
Last week, Glynn's postcards helped find a missing San Francisco pup. And Glynn's latest pet-card order, produced Thursday, was 1,000 postcards sent to Littleton, Colo.
"It's an old beagle that got out in a pretty rural area," Glynn said. "There are lots of places to get lost there."
While Glynn's aware that direct marketing companies get flak for their use of paper goods, Glynn has tried to make his company as "green" as possible, using 100 percent post-consumer waste recycled card stock, purchased from a local family business. He then walks the mailers to the post office himself.
"We often combine walking our dog with delivering a lost-pet mailing or two," he said.
Lost Pet Cards is now under the umbrella of Glynn's Maverick Mailing, founded in 2008, a data, design, print and direct mailing business.
WHAT: Help finding lost pets
OWNER: Peter Glynn
EMPLOYEES: 1 (with family help)
INFORMATION:, or call 234-4663
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Vacation Home Rental In Healdsburg

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Death Ride - Tom's Bike Crash

Well, I have another life adventure to add to my list. This year was my first year to participate in a great biking event aptly named “Death Ride”. 129 miles, five mountain passes and 15,000 feet of climbing. After climbing all the passes I got to sign the official poster (then it's picture time - point to your signature so you can sign again in the same spot next year), celebrate with 5 or 6 ice cream bars and then coast the last 20 miles back into town. 10 miles down the hill my bike started wobbling badly and 10 seconds later I was laying in the middle of the road stunned that I had just crashed at 40 miles per hour and appeared to be alive.
I’ve strung together a bunch of the emails we sent out to friends and family, trying to keep everyone updated throughout the process.
Update I
So this is just a brief update - I know that we have spoken with many of you so likely this will sound repetitive to some....
Just to recap - Tom had a crash on the last descent of the Death Ride on late Saturday afternoon - after examining him for cranial, bone, and other issues at Tahoe Hospital it was identified that he has an acetabular fracture (effectively a fracture of the socket in his hip) - He will need surgery to fix the damage and given the nature of the injury he was transferred via helicopter (cool) to a trauma unit in Reno - (Found out later the ride cost $18K and 100% covered by insurance!)
He has been seen by one of the very very few specialists in the field of Acetabular Fractures - an orthopedic surgeon - Dr. Shonnard - who specializes in this kind of reparation surgery.
After much discussion, and a preliminary determination to transfer him to Stanford, the insurance company indicated that given there was no difference in the level of care at the Renown Regional Center in Tahoe versus Stanford and the expertise of the related orthopedic surgeons, insurance would not cover the $10,000 transfer costs to get Tom to while my husband is absolutely PRICELESS as many of you know, we have established that transportation that will likely permanently limit our children's future college funds was not the best and highest use of limited
Tom is scheduled for surgery here in Reno on Tuesday at 5 pm - we believe that the recovery will be roughly 3 more days of hospitalization allowing him to be discharged at some point Friday - We are highly confident that the surgeon is well qualified for this particular surgery and appreciate everyone's help in this process - you guys have been AWESOME!
I will return to the Bay Area Monday evening, work to ensure final arrangements are made for Parker (thanks for EVERYONE who is helping out here - it really does take a village to raise a child and for Parker that is likely going to be many villagers....) - then Kira and I will drive back to Reno Tuesday morning to ensure that we are here for emotional support prior to surgery - we are hopeful that we will then be able to transport him back to the Bay Area - I will have to be mindful of my speed and tendancy to like to change lanes when other drivers are going S L O W....might not feel so good even with morphine!
Will keep you posted as things progress - looking forward to all those offers of help to come pouring in after he arrives home.. HA HA - no really - this is one time that I likely will accept help (and for those of you who know me well this is not an easy thing for me to admit - come to think of it not sure I ever have in my 39 years to date on this planet....HA HA again?)
Will send out an update tomorrow - you should all know that he is in amazingly good spirits, his sarcasm has extended to several nurses who have missed a multitude of jokes today (but I think I got them all) - Thanks again
Good night (I hope!)
Update II
Just met with the doctor that is going to operate on me tomorrow afternoon. The bad news is that my right butt cheek still reminds the nurse of a baboon in heat. I hope the red inflammation disappears before I head out in my speedo again. Surgery Tuesday at 4:45 and it should go for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. The accident slammed my pelvic bone very hard into the socket on top of the leg. The ball part of the joint is badly damaged and the socket has cracked and separated up to and into the pelvic bone. Surgery should clean out the ball area, push the socket back together and pin it in place. I will have pins in me forever.
After surgery it's back to my room where I should wake up, albeit a little groggy, in an hour or so. Healing in the hospital is a couple day process and if all goes well, Dianne can drive me home on Friday. Lots of PT work before jumping in the car.
Once home I need to find a family doctor, a hip joint specialist and a PT. The surgeon has given me the name of a hip guy to help, but I need a PT and a family doctor. Recommendations gladly accepted!!
I should be on crutches and ready to get mobile by the time I leave this place. I'll need to start PT as soon as I get back. Carrie, set up you're shop and I'll make you rich. Need to check with Patrick to see if he would recommend you first though :)
Lots of pills and shots for a while. Blood thinners, pain pills and other such delights.
I'll need to check in with the local specialists. Return doctor visits in 10 days, 6 weeks and 3 months.
Possible risk factors include death during surgery, strokes, nerve damage and other fun stuff! Can't drive for about 5-6 weeks.
Thanks for all the good vibes coming my way!
Feeling good about the process. Bring it on!
Update III
Hello everyone -
Thanks for all your kind thoughts, offers of help etc as we were preparing for Tom's surgery -
We have just received GREAT NEWS from the doctor - the surgery went very well - the doctor was able to reconstruct his hip joint and was able to smooth out the top of the femur that had also been impacted - additionally he was able to move the hip socket back into the proper position - My guess is that there is a lot of hardware in Tom now!!!
Tom will be in recovery for another hour or so and then back into the hospital room where his lovely wife and favorite daughter await the king's return!!! (King of the mountain that is - for those of you Tour de France fanatics - I am in the market for a polka dot jersey if anyone knows where I can find one....)
The doctor has indicated that given Tom's overall strong health and physique (he does have an amazing physique....) he should recover relatively quickly allowing us to return to the Bay Area by Friday - which is really great news -
The path to recovery will include a lot of pain meds, some blood thinners (shots in the belly from what I hear), PT, lots of delicious food donated by our good friends, family, and neighbors (hint hint) and follow up with either his surgeon or another equally trained surgeon in the Bay Area (for which we understand there is one....good speciality to be in so long as there is a high risk of accidents that involve trauma in your area....) -
He will likely come home with just crutches - no hospital bed - and a smile on his face because, while Reno might be a good spot for those who like the world of gambling, Tom's gambling days are over and while he has taken his chances on the hills those are over for a while as well.....Danville is home sweet home (another plug for great desserts made by our friends, family, and neighbors)
We will keep you posted as we learn more and are prepping for "a tough night" according to the doc...hopefully Kira can handle it while I rest comfortably in the hotel room....
Hugs, kisses, and loads of love to everyone
Dianne, Kira (and in their absence because they are having more fun than us - Conner, Parker, and Tundra)
Update IV
Hello all
Just thought it would be good to share with you some of the lighter parts of Tom's surgery/recovery -
The day of surgery Tom was not allowed to have anything other than a clear breakfast - YUM - so the "nutritionist" arrives with a full breakfast of bacon, eggs, etc - Tom indicates that he believes he can't have this so she then leaves - returns 30 minutes later with a breakfast labelled "Tom Glynn special order breakfast" - voila - pancakes and bacon! - so Tom politely indicates that he can't have this either and that it does not look like a clear breakfast - she leaves (in a huff) and returns 30 minutes later with a clear breakfast - YUM YUM YUM
Quotes while coming out of high doses of morphine during surgery:
(1) Upon arriving back in the hospital room, the first thing Tom says to Kira and myself is - "OMG - they did the wrong surgery - they turned me into a dog" - and then he prompty starts to bark loudly and pant.....
(2) While falling asleep after being returned to the room Tom began having hand gestures that included giving the finger to someone while his eyes were shut and he was snoring - not sure whom but guessing it was therapeudic and have convinced myself that it was neither Kira nor I....
(3) After the nurse showed Tom how to use the Patient Assissted Medication (ie morphine on demand) she then went on to explain that neither Kira, myself, nor her could push the button for Tom - for which he promptly then said "You want to push my button - I know you do - come on try it!"- morphine is great!
(4) Tom decides he is going to rest for the night - we begin to leave and then he turns his head to me and opens and shuts his eyes like a 2 year old pretending to be asleep - Parker at 49....
Review of the operating report indicated " a need to be extremely careful around the rather tender buttocks area when performing the incision" - Tom's baboon but must have also frightened the attending surgeons!
Our motto for the day - Enjoy the other side! (mostly because Tom's right side is so painful - ha ha)
Love to all
Update V – July 27th
I'm currently sitting around waiting for bones to heal!
I'm up and around, feel great and I'm pretty good on the crutches. No weight bearing for 8 weeks; the hardest part being no driving during this time.
I look and feel normal, have good range of motion and lots of strength in my legs. Dianne and Kira are not happy, but I've picked off all my scabs as I sit around healing :)
I am very, very lucky not to have broken bones, injured my neck, spine, banged my head etc. I've got an unbelievable support staff of friends and family helping out and should be back to normal at some point; hopefully sooner rather than later!
On with life's adventures.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Just a quick note to let everyone know that Kailah passed away earlier today. We are all still in a state of shock and disbelief.
Several weeks ago she suffered a couple of grand mal seizures. She spent several days in the emergency room and we left with her seizures under control. We came home with a bunch of medication and a prognosis of a life span from days to years.
Until this weekend she had been seizure free since leaving the hospital. On Saturday she had a couple of major seizures and many, many smaller ones. We rushed her back to the vet but they were unable to control her with any medications.
Last night we took her home so we could all say our final goodbyes. It was a very sad night at the Glynn house. By this morning she was failing badly and we returned to the vet.
The final diagnosis was some sort of brain tumor. We'll never know for sure without an autopsy, but, at nine and a half years, she was still a young dog.
We will miss her dearly.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Parker the Swimmer - No, Ham, Yes!

Well, Parker's swimming form has gone straight downhill lately. We signed him up for his first two swim meets and he had a blast. His 90 second times across the pool were about 45 seconds slower than the next person, but he sure had fun. He stopped along the way occasionally to smile and grin a goofy grin. Halfway down the pool 100 people were cheering him on, most of whom surely thought he was going to drown.

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Conner Powers Through His Second Triathlon

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Kira Posts a 20 Minute PR in latest Tri!

Conner has an Awesome Swim Meet

Conner is off to a great start this swim season. At the opening event, the Marlins held their own time trials to test all swimmers. Conner improved times on freestyle, back stroke, breast stroke and medley.