Kira was involved in her fist, and hopefully last car accident today. Luckily no one was hurt and all ended well.
She was heading back to Danville from UCSB for the Thanksgiving holiday along Highway 101 near Atascadero, which is close to San Luis Obisbo when cars in front of her all stopped suddenly. Kira managed to stop in time, but the car beside her was attempting to merge at the time and ended up hitting the side of Kira's car. The car behind the other driver then slammed gently into that car.
The three cars all pulled over and the police were called. The driver that hit Kira admitted fault to everyone, including the police and insurance company. Everyone traded information. Kira's car had damage to both wheel areas and had to be towed. The police arranged for the service and Kira and the car were sent to a local, insurance approved, repair shop. The shop was very friendly and after filling out paperwork, they drove Kira to the local Starbucks and bought her a drink and cookie.
We headed out for drive to get her. The boys were super excited to see her again, so they watched a couple of movies to pass the time. By the time we got there, she was half way through a term paper due the following week.
Just as we were pulling in, the lady who hit her called and asked if we had arrived yet, and if we were still not close, she offered to take Kira out for dinner. A very nice offer indeed!

We stopped at McDonalds for a quick bite and then headed back home. We arrived just passed 11:00 and everyone but Kira headed to bed.
The next morning the other drivers insurance company called to let us know that they would be taking care of everything and that repairs would be started immediately. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but the total bill will be around $7,500 for a new front bumper, two new doors, a couple of side panels and a whole bunch of labor. It will probably take a few weeks, but so far, so good.
To get back to school, Kira booked an airline flight and Oscar agreed to pick her up and get her back to Santa Barbara.
After all is said and done, it ended very well and now, it's just a great story.