Now - for the real scoop - what goes on behind the scenes and what is it like to be an IRON SUPPORTER!!
Kira, Conner, Parker, Grandpa Fred, Grandma Irine, and myself were all prepared for a long day - after all an Iron supporter day typically starts at 4:30 am (the time your Ironman is getting breakfast in your hotel room and attempting to be rather quiet but actually not accomplishing that goal) and goes until well past your Ironman's expiration in bed!
Tom and I arrived at the marking station at the bright and early hour of 5:30ish - the great news about the Couer D'Alene resort is that this takes a scant 5-7 minutes from your hotel room (one of the great advantages of paying the exorbitant rates at a nice but not exceptional hotel). Marking was painless (both figuratively and literally) and then on to ensure Tom had not overlooked any supplies etc the day before. All was well and so Tom bid me farewell and I went back to awake the troops!
Kira, Parker, and Conner were found nestled in their bed (yes - one King size bed for all three - Kira the boys thank you!) - a rude awakening and then off to see the start of the race - what transpires between 5:30 am and the start of the race at 7 am is that all of Couer D'Alene and all

So after about 30 minutes (because that is about as long as any human can hold a 4 year old still while standing on a step overlooking water in which the 4 year old is not able to stay afloat...) it is off to the transition area to see those speeedy swimmers get onto their bikes - this is where all the action is and the boys are excited to wave their sign, ring their cow bell, and generally hoot and holler (all allowable on race day!) - watching transition is great fun for adults who can see over the barrier - a greater challenge however for the shorter version of adults - Conner attempted to look through the vinyl webbing and Parker decided a perch atop mom's shoulders would suffice (for a while) - We saw Tom through transition and then attempted a rendevous with the Grandparents - attempted being the operative word because the difficulty of first hearing each other on the mobile phones while a race is on going and then navigating the barriers to actually get together proved too much for this clan - so.... we decided to divide and conquer - Grandpa Fred and Grandma Irine would conquer the quest for the almighty (by going to church) and we would conquer breakfast (by ordering room service at a ghastly fee!)
Next stop - see dad on the bike at the turn around - ring ring - it is Irine - where are you guys? After a quick few moments we realize that we are literally across the street from each other - incredible in this maze of people, bikes, and spectators - for the next while the Glynn clan watches and waits and then here comes Dad - way ahead of schedule - he looks strong and happy to be out of the swim and doing something he truly loves - crushing people on his bike - (eventually Tom passes over 1000 people on his bike - what a stud!). OK - now we have another 1.75 hours before we see him again - what to do? Food is always good so it is off for a bike to eat, some libations (for those of us old enough) - after food Irine graciously offers to watch the boys for a bit while we seek another round of Tom - Parker takes this opportunity to fuel up on Pringles and then digest them by sleeping (lucky Irinie - a

Now - for those of you who did not follow the weather by this time it has reached a low of about 60 degrees, the wind has picked up, and yes - it is raining....overall YUCK comes to mind - frankly this is typical of our most recent Ironman events so I am prepared for the YUCK factor - After swim, Fred, Kira and I watch some of the early finishers come in, order some more food for the troops and, after feeling cold enough and wet enough, return to collect any one who might be interested in seeing Tom finish - turns out everyone is up for this (so long as we timed it right and it happens within a 30 minute window...) - good thing Tom is like clock work on his bike and run - he makes it in under 11 hours - we are all thrilled - this means that most of the clan can go back to warm up and dry off and the rest of the troops (those charged with "clean up") will retrieve the Ironman and his belongings (scattered throughout the transition areas) and then return for a final high five and sleep (for Tom). Parker is always up for clean up duty - after all dad got the gold medal so he needs to celebrate - so Kira, Parker, and I elect clean up duty - retrieve a very cold and very tired Tom and get everyone and everything back safely to the hotel - if you are watching the clock by now over 14 hours have elapsed since the beginning of our spectator day.....Tom has a hot shower, the crew team massages his legs, cleans up his stuff, and puts him to bed - all in all a successful day for the supporters!
One final note - Tom decides that going out around 11 pm would be great fun - after all he is showered, rested, and has downed his first beer - so he and a couple of the other oddities (known as Ironmen and Ironwomen by the nice people) head out to cheer on the people cominng in at the end - they too become spectators for a period and come home with a renewed view as to how fun spectating came be - even in the rain and cold!!
Final notes - Parker loves port a potties - YES - this man would prefer to use a portable potty rather than a normal toilet - so....if you have the great misfortune of spending time with him at a race be prepared because while he enjoys the experience he also wants to share it with you!
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