An Update from Valerie:
Last night, the dog pushed Jack Jack and he fell on his face on the tile floor in our living room. He was really crying, and I thought he'd cut his lip (which I think he did), but when I looked in his mouth there was a lot of blood around the top teeth and right eye tooth. When I touched his teeth they totally wiggled out of place. I was SO upset. We pushed them back tightly into place and hoped for the best. They were in the proper place this morning, so we've got our fingers crossed that they will re-implant themselves tightly.
We've registerd Jescie in a new school for August. It's called Pacific Horizons and has a bigger cultural/ethnic mix of kids than did her last school. It's about 1/5 the size. All the kids from the swim class she takes all seem to go there, so I think she'll have an easier time making friends (i.e. even at swim class, she has been a total outsider because everyone knows each other from Pacific Horizons). Anyway, Pacific Horizons is offering four morning intro classes for new students who'll be starting in the fall. So, this morning, Jescie went to her first morning (7:45 to 11:00) intro visit, and sat in on the existing K-3/K-4 class (the two grades are together, and will be in the fall).
At first, she thought that Jack Jack and I would be staying, then when I told her we weren't allowed, she thought we'd be standing on the other side of the door outside, but I told her I'd run a few errands and come back and get her. (We drove home and returned to pick her up). She was not happy to see us leave. The teacher didn't introduce herself or any of the kids, or ask our names or anything; I was the one who said, "this is JESCIE" and the teacher said, "hi Jescie." That was pretty much it. Very island-like, which still kind of bothered me though, since it's a private school with 2/3 international kids, and since a small effort could have gone a long way in making her feel less lonely and shy. Just sitting there with no introductions or anything... I just knew that she wouldn't interact with any of the kids, and as it turned out, she didn't. Anyway...
Jack Jack and I returned to get her, and played in the little park (swingset and slide) behind her class for about 10 minutes, waiting for Jescie to get out. Then we got Jescie and we headed back to the little park and played there with a bunch of kids who had just been let out of class for a break, and had a great time. They were mainly bigger kids from grade 2, but they came up, said, "HI JESCIE - I KNOW YOU FROM THE POOL!!!" and they pushed her on the swing, and she was in 7th heaven. Jack even brought a book with him when we went back to school, and was loving playing in the park. But then, BASH!!! he was hit by a swing, right in the face, and it sent him flying backwards onto his back onto the gravel. He was nearly hysterical, screaming that he wanted to go home. I couldn't tell right away where he had been hit, as I didn't see the bash, but it became evident that he had been hit around the mouth, on the other side from his injuries from last night. (Jescie, by the way, wasn't willing to get down off the swing because she didn't want to leave). Jack's napping now.
When we were back in the car on our way home, I asked Bella how it went and she said she cried twice, right when we left, and then later. I asked her if the teacher gave her cuddles and she said no, she gave her a kleenex. I said, "that's right - you didn't want cuddles, you probably wanted to see your mom." And she said, "yeah, and Papa, and Jack Jack, and Samson, and Sophie." I asked her if she was able to pull herself together though, and enjoy the rest of the morning, and she said yes. So, it looks like it went OK. Except for Jack Jack. Poor guy.
We leave again in a couple of hours, back to the pool.
Hope everyone's well. We are still planning on a last-week-of-July trip. Valerie.
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